The more we know about each other, share our knowledge and our networks, the better we can contribute to advancing the musical and educational engagement with the climate crisis.
Here we collect projects & initiatives around music, climate and education. We would be very happy to hear about other projects, initiatives, ideas!
community music learning: Community Music Learning is a channel about negotiation – collaboration – dialogue in community music. CML is hosted by a collaborative network of community musicians to provide access and share learning in international community music thinking and practice.
Two videos specifically address the role and potential of community music in the context of climate justice:
“Community Music, Public Space, and Climate Justice” by Nathan Stretch
“Only Connect: Community Music and Ecological Justice” by Dr. Cath Heinemeyer Daniel J. Shevock’s invaluable site on eco-literate music pedagogy with readings suggestions, philosophical and practical reflections. Founded in 2004, the non-profit organization Reverb aims to make concerts and tours “greener”. Reverb has won artists such as Billie Eilish, John Mayer and Maroon 5 as partners. Artists aiming „to take ownership over accelerating our clean energy future at a critical time in human history“. Teacher’s climate guide is an education package for subject teachers. It explains climate change in the context of each school subject, and provides exercises and visual material. It also contains tips for multidisciplinary climate education, tips for integrating climate change in education and activities at the primary level, and basic information about climate change and climate education. The MayDay Group functions as an international think tank of music educators that aims to identify, critique, and change taken-for-granted patterns of professional activity, polemical approaches to method and philosophy, and educational politics and public pressures that threaten effective practice and critical communication in music education. A platform of musicians, media professionals, scientists and community organizations, great films, music etc. A blog about the social responsibility of musicians, containing interesting references to short films, etc., e.g. the film “Three Seconds”. Acoustic Ecology and Sound Art (German): The “Orchestra of Change” initiative is committed to sustainability in the cultural industry. The participants understand climate and nature conservation as part of their cultural mission. As musicians, they want to become active for this important topic and deal with the climate crisis in creative concert formats. Julie’s Bicycle is a pioneering not-for-profit mobilising the arts and culture to take action on the climate and ecological crisis.